The school

Laugalækjarskóli is one of Reykjavík City's primary schools, falls under the Department of Education & Youth and its curriculum is built around the City's school policy and future vision. It emphasizes individualized learning and student cooperation, inclusive schooling, the well-being of students, school autonomy, and fruitful cooperation with the local community.
Laugalækjarskóli is a district school for students aged 12-16 in Laugarneshverfi (grades 7 to 10). Most students have previously attended Laugarnesskóli, which serves students in grades 1 to 6.
The youth center Laugó is next to the school and offers a wide range of entertaining activities for children and adolescents.
- Principal: Jón Páll Haraldsson
- Assistant Principal: Sólveig Hrafnsdóttir
- Head of the Support Program: Eydís Aðalbjörnsdóttir
- Head of Division: Selma Gunnarsdóttir
Primary school meals
School meals are free for the 2024-2025 school year. However, the school still needs to track information about allergies and intolerances and limit food waste. Students must register for the school lunch program as before.
Students registered last year will be automatically enrolled. Others need to register. Change the registration at

School activities
Operational plan
What's coming up at Laugalækjarskóli? You can find several items in the operational plan, including the school's policy for the previous year, teaching planning, and much more.
- Operational plan 2024-2025
School curriculum
Do you want to know more about the philosophy and daily operations of Laugalækjarskóli? In the school curriculum, you'll find detailed information about the school's philosophical emphasis and approach to learning and work.
- View curriculum
School council
Primary schools must have an active school council that serves as a forum for consultation between the principal and the school community on the school operation. The main role of the school council is to be a forum for all representatives of the school community to consult on school matters.
Adama Kasper Darbo (teacher) - Agnes Eik Sigurjónsdóttir (homeroom teacher) - Ana Paula Marques C. Faustino (school aide) - Aysen Kiyak (learning support assistant) - Ágústa Ragnars (homeroom teacher) - Ásta Björg Björgvinsdóttir (homeroom teacher) - Björn Sigurbjörnsson (teacher) - Edda Pétursdóttir (homeroom teacher) - Elena Skorobogatova (teacher) - Elín Einarsdóttir (homeroom teacher) - Eydís Aðalbjörnsdóttir (department head) - Eygerður Guðbrandsdóttir (homeroom teacher) - Fadel Abd El Mogheth Fadel (teacher) - Fjóla Þorgeirsdóttir (teacher) - Guðmundur Valdimar Rafnsson (caretaker) - Guðný María Sigurðardóttir (school aide) - Guðrún J. Karlsdóttir (office manager) - Hallur Hróarsson (teacher) - Harpa Hafliðadóttir (teacher) - Heiðdís N. Hansdóttir (homeroom teacher) - Hermann Jónsson (homeroom teacher) - Hólmfríður Karlsdóttir (school counselor) - Hrefna Rún Guðbjörnsdóttir (homeroom teacher) - Ingólfur Guðjónsson (homeroom teacher) - Ingrid Marie Persson (homeroom teacher) - Jenný Guðrún Jónsdóttir (homeroom teacher) - Jóhann Yngvason (cafeteria manager) - Jón Orri Ólafsson (teacher) - Jón Páll Haraldsson (principal) - Kolbrún Dögg Sigurðardóttir (homeroom teacher) - Kristín Sif Jónínudóttir (homeroom teacher) - Lis Ruth Klörudóttir (project manager) - Litza Carolina Cruz Duarte (school aide) - Luis Arcadio Mejia Boada (school aide) - Mariam Sif Vahabzadeh (learning support assistant) - María Nicole Zanoria Baldelovar (learning support assistant) - Miodrag Kujundzic (school aide) - Nelson Bierneza Baldelovar (school aide) - Nikulás Ægisson (project manager) - Ólafur Steinn Ingunnarson (homeroom teacher) - Ragnheiður Birna Daníelsdóttir (homeroom teacher) - Selma Gunnarsdóttir (department head) - Sigrún Theódórsdóttir (learning support assistant) - Sigurveig María Kjartansdóttir (teacher) - Sólveig Hrafnsdóttir (assistant principal) - Stefán Steingrímur Bergsson (homeroom teacher) - Svala Bryndís Jónsdóttir (teacher) - Tara Brynjarsdóttir (homeroom teacher/on leave) - Vilhjálmur Louis Knudsen (learning support assistant) - Þóra Karlsdóttir (teacher) - Þórunn Sif Böðvarsdóttir (homeroom teacher) - Þórunn Skúladóttir (developmental therapist) - |
Parent cooperation
We are all in this together, and as the proverb goes it takes a village to raise a child.
Reykjavík City schools make targeted efforts to consult with and increase parent involvement in school activities.
All schools in Reykjavík City have an active parent association.

School rules
Laugalækjarskóli school rules will be here
Evaluation of school activities
The goal of evaluating and monitoring the quality of work is to provide information about school activities, their results and development.
Laugalækjarskóli school district
Reykjavík has many school districts, and the child's registered address determines their district school.
Your child gets priority in their district school. Nevertheless, all parents have the choice to apply to any school in the city for their children according to the rules on school districts, applications, and admission.
Here is information on which streets belong to Laugalækjarskóli's school district.